
1st October 2024

Neil Thompson, our own Product Development and Training Manager talks about his thoughts on Income Protection and the value it can bring to someone’s life.

Being a parent and grandparent gives me the opportunity of passing on my wisdom and caution to those younger and perhaps more naïve than me.

It also gives me that queasy feeling as I realise just how hypocritical my advice can be!

Don’t do that it’s dangerous, coming from the guy who rocks precariously on his ladder whilst cutting back shrubs.

That stuff’s bad for you as the kids sip innocently on their fizzy drink whilst I dream of my next Guinness.

I wish that hypocrisy was limited to my personal life. But at work I have been involved in income protection for 37 years and have never taken out a policy. I have trained hundreds on its importance. I have written literature and promotional material enthusing about its necessity.

I have, so far, been lucky. However, I have known many who have had seemingly innocuous illness or injury that has kept them out of work for long periods and have seen the impact this has on not only their finances, but also their state of mind.

Because not being able to work doesn’t just affect income, it affects our feeling of self worth.

That’s why I can still impart my knowledge of the product without feeling too self-conscious. I want people to have every assistance in getting back to work when ill-health or injury strikes.

Rehabilitation benefits are such an important part of any income protection policy, including our own here at National Friendly. Being paid when you’re off sick is all very well, but people like me want to get back as soon as they can. They will miss the interaction, the feeling of being important, the feeling they are earning their money.

What we’re selling isn’t insurance – it’s getting people’s happiness back after life has dealt them a blow.

I’ve left it too late, but it may be time for you to consider the full impact of not being able to work due to ill-health or an injury.

·       How long would you receive money from work? You can tie this in with when you need help from your policy.

·       How soon would this impact your lifestyle?

·       Who would pay for the home you live in, the food you eat and the little extras that make life fun?

·       Who would patch you up?

·       How long might you have to wait for treatment?

In the very worst instance, what life cover do you have to protect those you leave behind? You can add life cover on our policies and some come with life cover as standard!

These are the types of things that might be worth writing down and scrutinising, perhaps with a partner.

So, how would you cope in these various scenarios?

I don’t want to be too dad or grandad about this but don’t make the omission I did. For a relatively small outlay, you can put a plan in place today.

Make sure you check the protection benefits available today on our website, or feel free to have a chat about your options with our friendly sales team on 0117 980 9373.

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