Let's Get

Your Accident Only Income Protection quote

Please complete all the mandatory * fields in the quote form.

This policy has a minimum 5 year term, so the client’s current age has to be 5 years away from the age at which the policy ends.

The quotes will not include any medical loadings which may be applied.

To understand how BMI could affect loadings please use the calculator below.

0333 014 6296

Monday to Friday / 8am - 6pm

Select your age.
Enter your annual income.
Enter your occupation.
Select quote type.
Enter a monthly benefit.
Enter a monthly premium.
Select a benefit period.
Select a waiting period.
Select an age at which the policy ends.
Select level or indexation.
Select an option.
Select an option.
Select an option.
Please note: Cover is at least £500 a month and no more than £2,000 a month. If you choose a 5 year claim period the maximum Hazardous Pursuits cover would be £500 per month. It also cannot be more than the selected main benefit.
Enter your first name.
Enter your last name.
Enter your phone number.
Enter your email address.

How we will use your data

The information that you provide in this form will be held and used by National Friendly for the purposes of providing our products and services. Please inform us at any time if your details change. The ways in which we will use your data is laid out in our Privacy Policy. We will never share your data with any other companies for their marketing purposes.
We will always respect your preferences as to the information you receive from us. If you do not wish to be kept up to date with competitions, offers, news, products, and services, please tick the options below.  You can update your preferences at any time by calling 0333 014 6244 or online at www.nationalfriendly.co.uk/marketingpreferences:
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